Arri 7-3/4″ Full Double Lighting Scrim for the Junior 1000 Watt Fresnel Light Unit.

From: $2.50

• Scrims are metal screens mounted in a metal frame. They are placed in front o f a light to reduce light intensity. Arri makes four different types of scrims.
• Full single- this scrim covers the entire lightface and reduces the inten sity of the entire light beam.
• Full double- again this scrim covers the w hole face of the light. It has two metal screens in it, reducing light intensity by two times the amount of the full single.
• Half single- this scrim only covers half of the lightface reducing half of the light beams intensity.
• Half double- same as the half single but reduces light intensity twice as much as the half single.

Arri 7-3/4″ Full Double Lighting Scrim for the Junior 1000 Watt Fresnel Light Unit.
From: $2.50 Check Availability